Saturday, January 22, 2011

Cooked Rice

If you love rice, it probably is a core part of your meal. If not done properly it can spoil your meal. Having said this, rice is the easiest item to prepare.

Rice can be prepared in two ways -
  1. using a pressure cooker,
  2. using an open vessel
Preparation -
Typically one glass of (about 100gm) raw rice suffices one person. You would know when you prepare once or twice how much you would need for a person. Take raw rice in a vessel and wash it thoroughly with potable water. Pour water till rice submerges and wash with hand. Drain water. Do this twice or thrice.

1. In pressure cooker -
  1. If you are a first timer read the post on pressure cooker tips.
  2. Add water little more than twice the amount of washed raw rice. For instance for two people, I would put one and a half bowl of raw rice and four bowls of water.
  3. Next, pour potable water in pressure cooker and keep the vessel
  4. Close and lock the lid, place whistle on the nozzle. Light flame.
  5. Wait for four whistles to blow.
  6. Put off the flame and keep the cooker idle for 15-20 mins till it cools down. This phase is important for the rice to cook properly.
Note -
Some types of raw rice cook faster than other, hence you would need to refine the amount of water and duration of cooking once you cook a couple of times. Some prefer their rice to be a bit pasty while some prefer it bit hard. Regulate water quantity in order to get as per your preference.

2. In open vessel -
  1. Pour water to three times the quantity of washed raw rice in a open vessel
  2. Light the flame and let water boil
  3. After about 10 mins take a bit of rice and squeeze with fingers. If it is hard, let it cook for some more time.
  4. Once it becomes soft, drain excess water completely. Ensure that all water is completely drained else the cooked rice will be bit pasty.
There you have fresh steaming rice!

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