Saturday, January 22, 2011

Vegetable Sambar

Preparation -
  1. Cook cut-vegetables and toor daal in a pressure cooker
  2. Simple seasoning - mustard seeds, curry leaves
  3. Put 3-4 spoon of sambar powder
  4. Put the cooked daal and cut-vegetables
  5. Add water and mix well
  6. Put a bit of tamarind paste and bit of jaggery
  7. Let the mixture boil for some time
  8. Add salt to taste and put some finely chopped coriander leaves
steam the cut-vegetables
.. and some sambar power,
.. mix cut-vegetables,
..pour some water and other ingredients.
Thats it!


  1. Good one Mr.Shenoy :) . I would be very happy if you could list the vegetables to be used in this recipe.

  2. @ash, glad you liked it. Any vegetable would typically go well with Sambar. Mostly used are Brinjal, Potato, Beans, Carrot, Radish etc.


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