Sunday, January 30, 2011


Hi there!
If you are in the mood of having an exotic side dish for meal and have some time  to prepare it, this is indeed an item you would want to consider.

You would need -

A cup of  rice soaked in water,

...some chopped Cabbage,  

...and some chopped Onions,..grated Coconut (one half), Tamarind (small piece), Roasted-dry-red-chillies (4-5), 

 Steps -

Mix grated coconut, Tamarind and Chillies in the Food mixer, 
add a bit of water and run for few mins
Add some water, get a coarse paste
Put soaked rice and some more water, 
...till it all mixes well and becomes pasty 
(no need for making it too fine)
Now mix chopped Cabbage and Onion to this mixture,
add salt to taste
Keep a tawa on stove with few drops of oil
Spread the mixture to form small 'islands' :)
Close with a lid, after few minutes toss them on their back
Roast it properly.
Poke with a spoon to ensure the paste has roasted properly
There you have it!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Vegetable Sambar

Preparation -
  1. Cook cut-vegetables and toor daal in a pressure cooker
  2. Simple seasoning - mustard seeds, curry leaves
  3. Put 3-4 spoon of sambar powder
  4. Put the cooked daal and cut-vegetables
  5. Add water and mix well
  6. Put a bit of tamarind paste and bit of jaggery
  7. Let the mixture boil for some time
  8. Add salt to taste and put some finely chopped coriander leaves
steam the cut-vegetables
.. and some sambar power,
.. mix cut-vegetables,
..pour some water and other ingredients.
Thats it!

Vegetable side dish

Preparation -
Wash the vegetables (snake gourd, potato, capsicum, beans etc), drain water.
Cut them in thin lengthy pieces.

Steps -
  1. Put seasoning
  2. Add the cut vegetables, and fry on low flame for about 5-8min, constantly sauté the mix 
  3. Pour a glass of water, so the cut vegetables are decently immersed. Take care not to put too much water, it will dilute the taste
  4. Close the vessel with a lid
  5. Every few mins check whether veggies are cooked well
  6. Add salt to taste, mix well
  7. Serve hot :)
remove the seeds of snake gourd

put seasoning and add cut veggies

cut potatoes thin so they saute well
sauté well

Vegetable Rice-bath

If you like rice based dish for breakfast this can be one of your breakfast choices. Can of course be eaten for a meal as well.
Wash vegetables (capsicum, potatoes, tomatoes, round beans, onion) and cut in small pieces.
Wash raw white rice (at approx 100gms per person) and drain water.
  1. Place a cooker vessel on small flame,
  2. Put seasoning
  3. Put harder of the cut vegetables (like potatoes, round beans)
  4. Stir for few mins
  5. Now add the rest of cut vegetables
  6. Stir till vegetables get soften (approx 10 mins)
  7. Put washed raw rice and stir till it turns a bit red
  8. Add water just enough to cover the veg and rice mixture
  9. Add salt to taste
  10. Increase flame, cover lid, put the whistle and wait till four blows of whistle
  11. Keep the cooker aside to cool
  12. Transfer the contents to serving bowl
add cut veggies to seasoning

add tomatoes
add washed rice

mix and saute for some time
pour water, close lid

Serve hot!

Using Pressure Cooker

If you are first timer at using a pressure cooker, these basic tips should help -

Working -
An early pressure cooker, called a steam digester, was invented by Denis Papin, a French physicist, in 1679. Pressure cookers are generally made from aluminium or stainless steel. Pressure is created at the beginning with boiling liquid, such as water, inside the closed pressure cooker and the trapped steam increases the internal pressure and temperature, which is maintained throughout cooking time. 

Small quantity of water is poured into cooker into which the vessel containing vegetables, daal, or rice is placed. Then the  gasket is slid into lid so it fits air-tight, and lid is locked in place. As water becomes steam it cooks the contents inside and once pressure goes beyond certain threshold it escapes pushing the weight up.

Tips -
  • Before and after using cooker take the rubber gasket out and wash in potable water.
  • Pour potable water to about 2cm from bottom before keeping the vessel into the cooker. 
  • Ensure that the weight and the nozzle on which you place the weight are clean.
  • When locking the cooker lid, ensure that it is turned enough so handles of cooker and lid align properly above each other.
  • Lock the lid before lighting the flame to avoid pressure building up inside that makes locking the lid difficult.
  • Ensure that you never keep less water than necessary for cooking, err on the side of more if you need to. 

Cooked Rice

If you love rice, it probably is a core part of your meal. If not done properly it can spoil your meal. Having said this, rice is the easiest item to prepare.

Rice can be prepared in two ways -
  1. using a pressure cooker,
  2. using an open vessel
Preparation -
Typically one glass of (about 100gm) raw rice suffices one person. You would know when you prepare once or twice how much you would need for a person. Take raw rice in a vessel and wash it thoroughly with potable water. Pour water till rice submerges and wash with hand. Drain water. Do this twice or thrice.

1. In pressure cooker -
  1. If you are a first timer read the post on pressure cooker tips.
  2. Add water little more than twice the amount of washed raw rice. For instance for two people, I would put one and a half bowl of raw rice and four bowls of water.
  3. Next, pour potable water in pressure cooker and keep the vessel
  4. Close and lock the lid, place whistle on the nozzle. Light flame.
  5. Wait for four whistles to blow.
  6. Put off the flame and keep the cooker idle for 15-20 mins till it cools down. This phase is important for the rice to cook properly.
Note -
Some types of raw rice cook faster than other, hence you would need to refine the amount of water and duration of cooking once you cook a couple of times. Some prefer their rice to be a bit pasty while some prefer it bit hard. Regulate water quantity in order to get as per your preference.

2. In open vessel -
  1. Pour water to three times the quantity of washed raw rice in a open vessel
  2. Light the flame and let water boil
  3. After about 10 mins take a bit of rice and squeeze with fingers. If it is hard, let it cook for some more time.
  4. Once it becomes soft, drain excess water completely. Ensure that all water is completely drained else the cooked rice will be bit pasty.
There you have fresh steaming rice!


Seasoning is the most important part of cooking that gives magical taste to a dish. Knowing this properly will be pretty crucial in making (m)any dishes.

For most of the dishes this is the first part of the preparation. Hence this post by itself does not constitute to be a recipe of a dish.

Ingredients -
  • Mustard seeds
  • Fenugreek seeds
  • Coriander seeds
  • Cumin seeds
  • Curry leaves
  • Dry red chillies / slit green chillies
  • Optional: Peeled Garlic pods / Finely chopped Onion
  • Optional: Asafetida (used as digestive aid)
Steps -
  1. Take a vessel and pour few spoons of cooking oil. You can use canola, coconut, groundnut, or refined oil. Keep on a small flame. Let the oil warm a bit (couple of mins).
  2. Put a teaspoonful of mustard seeds, wait for few seconds. Let it pop.
  3. Put 8-10 fenugreek seeds and cumin seeds, wait for few seconds.
  4. Put 1-2 red dry chillies or slit green chillies
  5. Stir lightly with a wooden spoon.
Next step - transfer contents into the main dish you are preparing (refer to other posts).

Few different varieties of seasoning are possible. While other steps being common you can add either peeled garlic pods or finely chopped onion. You could even use a bit (1-2 grams) of asafetida dissolved into a spoonful of water. This acts as a digestive aid.

Tip - Never keep the flame high, seasoning is a delicate process that gets over in minutes, so you have only few mins to get it all right.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Guide to simple vegetarian cooking

Hi. I am neither a seasoned culinary expert nor a chef. I decided to write this blog because of a problem I used to face during trips abroad. Being a vegetarian, it was very difficult to get proper vegetarian food, leave alone tasty stuff. I did not know how to cook, and after weeks and weeks of Subway sandwiches I would lose appetite.

So on one of the trips I gave a shot at cooking, with friends helping and teaching me. I found it be quite an enjoyable and 'full-filling' exercise as well a stress-buster.

I intend this blog to be the simple vegetarian cooking guide that I wish had then. If you are living away from home and do not want to eat out every day at the cost of your health, you have found the right place. These are simple recipes without much fanfare.

I consider cooking to be an art form. Start something simple, refine, refine, and refine. With practice one can become quite adept it. Experimentation is an essential part of developing this skill.

If you have a feedback, do drop a comment. If you would like to suggest any recipe that you make, please write to me and I would try them. I plan to update this blog frequently so please feel free to subscribe by clicking the subscription option at the top of this page.

Finally, please take all the care and caution using stove, pressure cooker, hot oil etc.

Bon Appétit!
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